Peachy Soft Summer: Why Neutral-Cool?


This is a pretty cool view of my Soft Summer eye. Summer pattern with the film webbing overlay, and a soft neutral-cool blue. Obvious hints of autumn neighbor with the warmer flecks.


This picture if of my right eye which often appears slightly more muted and slightly warmer with a more hint of “golden blue” another sign of Soft Autumn being my neighboring season. Also notice this eye has a different pattern, one with more texture. I notice when I wear a soft autumn olive top this eye actually glows but my left cooler eye does not relate to the color.


Here I am with the soft summer palette, 12 tone classic fan.


Here is the 12 tone corporate fan.


You can definitely describe my skin as peachy. The importance is finding makeup that is a cooler peach.


Peachy Complexion Soft Summer Recommendations, Foundation: Avon “Shell” and/or Clinique “Cream Chamios”. A cooler peach is key, Concealer is Mineral Fusion “Cool” and/or Mary Kay “Ivory 2”. Avon “Lavender Gray” eye pencil and Almay “Plum” mascara, Lancome 311 “You got the Look” eyeshadow, Bare Mineral “Beauty” blush or Mary Kay “Cherry Blossom” Blush, and Lips are Lancome “Vintage Rose”, “Curtain Call”, and Mary Kay “Pink Satin”. Another eye-shadow I highly recommend is Laura Mercier “Water Color Mist Eye and Check Palette”. This palette is very soft and gives the feeling of “warm” with still being Soft Summer.


Here I am wearing some shades from the “water color mist” eye palette.


For the person that feels that Soft Summer mauve is hard to adjust too, then try this lipstick Mary Kay “Pink Satin”. Matches the corporate Ssu fan.


Here with the brass and yellow toned out of my hair my complexion is less grey and uneven and more present and peachy.

The difference in hair color is not astronomical but the yellow is greying and yellowing my face and so is the white and blue striped blazer. Sometimes you can’t tell until you compare it side by side. Peachy skin on left and yellow-grey skin on right. So very unlikely dying my hair yellow will put me into a warmer season.

The middle picture has the taupe hair (cooler hair and also no makeup) and the outer two pictures have a lot of yellow in the hair. The left picture I am wearing warmer colors and warmer makeup and the right picture cooler colors are being worn with cooler makeup. You can see how the peachy soft summer can kind of pull off other seasons except, not exactly. The orange colored shirt on the right is a bit off looking. Since it belongs to the autumns, it looks somewhat familiar on me just not completely natural. It’s more subtle on a neutral cool person then orange on a true cool person however it’s not right, the facial features go a little flat.

Here is another example. So the left picture my face is turning the color of the shirt, my face is turning orange. Also these colors are too shiny (springy) and they are lacking depth. Soft Summer has more depth then light spring. The right picture is better because the fan has a matte finish however, there is that slightly clownish look, it’s too warm and light and bright.

Here is a perfect example, on the left the palette colors sit on my skin (seam separate) and I really cannot find these colors in my natural coloring. On the right, it seems to be a great match, very present colors in harmony that blend.


I’ve been dressing in so many pastels I actually miss wearing some of the deeper colors. Living in Light Spring Soft for a while, I forgot what it was like to wear colors that actually matched my light to darkness levels. Often the eye is a great indication. See picture below:

The rim of my eye is darker however it is not black but can handle more darkness for sure. When you look at my eye, you can see medium contrast. See how in this picture the drape matches the rim of my iris? Closer look below:


I can wear a navy a bit darker then this but this picture illustrates my point so well.

Now makeup being too light aside, these are some gorgeous draping pictures. The peachy soft summer needs foundation a shade that keeps the “peachy” glow visible without washing it out.

Blue, a summer’s power color.

Some purples from the fan.

Here are some colors that I’d love to find that are for sure missing from my wardrobe.


Even with attempts to match my natural hair color, it just can’t come out that desaturated silvery mauve taupe hued color below:


Natural hair color pictures showing range of light and dark in hair.


See how the depth of my eye all matches with the light to darkness level of my natural hair color.

Dying hair can be a hard maintenance because often if hair needs to be more ash, over time it will warm and brass up by simply washing hair over time, chemicals in products, and sun exposure. Also dying hair can change the balance of depth, so making my hair an unnatural overall lighter blonde doesn’t give me a full dimensional look. Naturally my hair ranges from an off-white to a light smokey brown so its so variable in light to darkness that it could never be captured with a hair dye bottle.



Being peachy doesn’t automatically mean spring season. I think with more recognition on peachy soft summers we can finally feel at home in a season and not just drifters that can easily be thrown into other seasons unless of course that is what was personally wanted.

Another key is viewpoint. Soft Summer might have a misty look but that doesn’t mean palette colors couldn’t be brought together to create a sunnier look if that is what is desired. I think you can create a mock spring, autumn, winter look with the soft summer palette if that is what is desired. One just needs to be creative enough to mess around with Soft Summer color combinations. And if you must have that pop of brightness is can still be done, just know where it looks best or how to approach it much like the purple shirt in my picture above.

After all, we haven’t come this far to settle. We have a unique knowledge about our natural coloring that others may or may not have and that should not be downplayed.










Soft Summer.

I’m exploring Soft Summer again during a trip to Europe. I found that I had some disappointments with the Cooler Soft Spring palette, Dusty Soft Spring. It’s still to saturated, bright, warm and I can tell it changed the colors in my face to less flattering hues. Sunlit Soft Summer is definitely the better palette for me. However as much as I liked the PYW fans, I am back to using my sci-art 12 blueprints (12 tone fan). Go figure!

12 tone fan….


Soft green shades, beautiful with purple accessories. With the statue of Liberty (France) this is a mixed Swiss/French inspiration idea.



Shades of soft red, purple, and pink. I love this card it has this movement that is interesting and reminds me of the heart pastries with the white and purple jam filled center.


Soft yellow with texture like the cathedral. I usually don’t wear this much texture, however it is fun and yet still soft.


Pinky-Purple greyed brown top with a floral scarf much like the color in the castle’s archway.


Detailing in a French dress…







So what about my beloved Zyla palette? I think it will work great still, and especially in the Fall when all the leaves turn gorgeous colors and I want to play along. I can wear some of those peachy-pink-oranges. Some of those brighter Zyla colors are fun to include in accessories. Some of the palette goes already with my fan or near close but some are not. I really think the 12 tone fan palette is my best. But yet draped twice was not good enough, I had to REALLY see it myself and compare all other options available especially with the new colors systems out there. User error was my main issue with this fan and for me that yellow strip is one of my saving graces when comparing “clean” or “dirty” yellow as being a good indicator when checking fabrics.




Sunlit Summer Sneak Color Palette

As I eagerly await for my Sunlit Soft Summer palette in the mail, I have done some exploring and creating!


I found this palette on Pinterest. It is the warmer colors of Soft Summer photoshopped. However, I will say that where are the purples? They clearly are missing and I’d be supposed when I get the Sunlit Soft Summer fan that it wouldn’t have purple.

I always thought I had a touch of light brown on my skin more so then other Soft Summers but that had me thinking I was a Toned Spring or Soft Autumn which I may find Toned Spring is too bright/warm overall and Soft Autumn is too muted/heavy on me.


My skin is like a peachy-pink with a touch of light brown like the flowers in the collage. So my skin looks bright, tricky because it looks very Spring season. My eyes have a brightness too like a Spring person, but the saturation is lower and the colors a bit cooler blue-green with hints of yellow-taupe like speckles and star shape. My hair is like drift wood  from the beach, in that it is multi-tonal in warmth. It comes in like a mauve silver brown and lightens into a soft golden color in the sun that can get as light as soft yellow. My eyebrows resemble Soft Summer rust color, warm yet still cool. There is no question, when I look at this palette, I see my natural coloring reflected in them.


This model on the right, her hair is coming in ash but warms at the bottom. That is exactly like my hair color. As well, she has very similar colored eyebrows and has a “rosy” quality to her that I have as well in my skin.


This model for Dusty Soft Spring lacks that “rosy” quality that I seem to have. I’m not throwing in the towel yet on Dusty Soft Spring until I see the palette. It after all  would be my “sister season” and one of my best “cheat” seasons if you will that I could pull off in the Color Breeze System. Having more options and changing up a look is fun, it’s more open-minded in a sense. We can color outside the lines and add elements and pops of colors from outside configured color space that could enhance or improve our look/make it unique and interesting.


This collage I posted a while ago in another blog post. I wonder if these women are still considered Toned Spring with the new Color Breeze System? We have similar complexions although if it’s just the quality of the camera, there skin seems much more “saturated” then mine does.But  I do notice a similar rosy cheek color in both models.

Sun and Sky look:


This might be one of my favorite looks I have put together. Mixing warm and cool.



I feel very at home in these colors. Hopefully the palette I ordered is of my standard or expectation, hopefully it exceeds it.

Before I started this blog, on a previous blog: Lightmarigoldspring, I knew Soft Summer palette on the 12 tone fan is hard to use and it is not individual enough for my taste. I think that’s why custom palettes are superior in that sense however it doesn’t mean custom palettes are exactly correct either, it’s more an art vision. What is correct is what is correct to you as the individual. But I think we can get closer and need to listen to our instincts. I felt some colors to chilly, too drab, too heavy in many cases on my 12 tone fan. I think that a more specific palette would help the consumer stay away from those choices. Why are the luxury drapes so awesome at a draping yet the fan can’t seem to get results anywhere close. It’s  user error, it’s the fan, it’s where your looking to buy clothes, etc.



Why There Are More Soft Seasons


Photo credit to Lora Alexander from Pretty Your World.

Please visit Lora’s website for a full explanation. Below is a snippet:

“Then there are the Soft’s. Soft seasons are not the lightest, the deepest, the warmest or the coolest. They certainly aren’t the clearest. Using our tree example, they are close to the center of the tree. The closer it is to the tree trunk, the more ‘grey’ or desaturated it becomes. The sun doesn’t hit the interior of the tree much. This is where the Soft’s reside. There are lighter and deeper soft seasons. There are softs that are more warm than cool (toasted) or more cool than warm (toned).

It is the discovery of these wide range of soft seasons that ColorBreeze© was born! One cannot just be considered ‘Soft’ now and feel they know their season. Are you the lighter or darker, warmer or cooler Soft? ColorBreeze will find the perfect spot for you on the tree”

-Lora alexander (Color Breeze System)


The Sunlit Soft Summer can think and others can be most convinced that they are a Spring. I felt a huge connection with the description of the sun and lightest of the Softs. A lot of Soft Summer was too heavy and dark on me, not to mention I made swatching mistakes that had me purchasing Dark Winter and Cool Summer which both are pretty harsh on my complexion. It is understandable how Light Spring Soft would be great on me compared to my inaccurate Soft Summer purchases.

When draped again by Rachel of 12 blueprints I really loved the luxury drapes, however there was a soft autumn brown I liked and a Light Summer yellow I fancied. I thought well, why is this?

Now that I see that the Sunlit Soft Summer sits near the top of the tree near the sun I understand why I was so frustrated with Soft Summer before. I can see how one might think that narrowing a palette can cause limits, but If someone perceives themselves a certain way and I saw myself always as “sunny” its very confusing when your wearing clothes that seem too serious, heavy, dark and make you feel waited down. It makes sense that those colors are in the same realm but much farther down the tree towards the trunk. I am not that far down, I am towards the sun. I’m next to Light Summer but not that bright, makes sense why I like some Light Summer colors, and I am neighboring with Dusty Soft Spring which is the cooler soft spring. This makes sense why I have always adored and been able to pull of those colors pretty decently since it would be a neighbor season. Personally I’d prefer a palette/fan like the Sunlit Soft Summer because I am not going to accidentally purchase Dark Winter clothes with them and so on. It’s specifically my best and there is a lot of ranging mixtures of colors in that smaller honed realm.


This picture on the left is too heavy and slightly too saturated as well. Could be Dark Winter or maybe a darker soft summer could wear this. On me it’s not right. Now the second pictures I am wearing grey-green yellow and it’s much better. I am for sure lighter and towards the sunshine. Keep in mind the Left picture I am wearing makeup and the right I am wearing none.


These looks are very sunny. This is why they are so awesome on me.


Another really good example of how Soft Summer really can be split because what’s on the left is so not me.



Another really good example, the left drape is glowing and just looks like something I’d love to wear, the right seems heavy and I feel like someone else, not the me I’ve always known. Another great thing about the drapes on the left is the color combinations. Just 1 color or a neutral looks pretty boring on me, I need at least 2 colors for color contrast. I’d also like to point out these left and right photos all though not taken the same year were both taken in the winter time. This is due to wearing correct makeup and wearing my best colors that the left pictures showcase a glowing and healthy look.

Pictures below from Lora Alexander’s seasonal catalog:

This is a perfect example of why the Soft Seasons can be broken up. My current theory is I am a Sunlit Soft Summer and I am testing it out. This why I love the lighter and brighter colors on me and not the darker side of the palette better for Toasted or Smokey Soft Summer.


These pictures make the same point as the ones above.


Here are some great examples from Lora’s website catalogue on Sunlit Soft Summer colors. The are wonderful and they are definitely  that sunny top of the tree colors that I thought I should be.

Sunlit SummerIMG_6338

For the Summers, this photo is exclusive on Lora’s site for Sunlit only. I have a love of this color… and now I know why. I think there are some summers that can wear soft peach shades. This is a shared color with the Dusty Soft Spring, so I see how I keep thinking I could be a Soft Spring especially when some other colors systems don’t allow a peach on a Soft Summer.


Zyla is right, these are excellent shades on me and one that just seems to work so well.


Here  you can see the resemblance of some of the Zyla colors. The Zyla swatches are coming out a bit more saturated then in real life but this is the idea when compared to Sunlit Soft Summer. Some of the bright colors like the top turquoise I prefer as a color pop in jewelry more then a whole garment…


In small doses the brighter colors are awesome and create a unique “personality” style that is more me and possibly works week for the Sunlit Soft Summer considering their place on the tree in near the sun and close to L. Summer and neighboring Dusty Spring.

Here are some Soft Spring shades from Lora’s site including the Dusty Soft Spring. I might be able to pull of some of these but that last one seems way to neon green for me. Zyla didn’t give me yellow although he thought about it. He said stay away from grass greens as well, and non of my colors look as highlighter as that last shirt.



So who would better wear my custom palette? Of course I would wear it best because it’s custom.

I’m very curious what the Sunlit Soft Summer palette will be like once the color fan arrives!









Color Breeze System: Dusty Soft Spring Vs. Sunlit Soft Summer Part 1

I’ve done a lot of work trying to compare the Toned Spring and Toned Summer palettes. I realized though I am using the old system. I have ordered The Dusty Soft Spring (a cooler spring) and the Sunlit Soft Summer (a lighter value Soft Summer) and am excited to compare my favorite colors to those fans!


Curious too about this…and how different the colors will be from the Toned Summer fan.


This Spring has blue eyes and looks cooler and a lot more like me. I am curious to see if these colors are better on me and match my personal found best colors closer. I’m very curious too because in my Soft Summer 12 blueprints draping, there was a Light Summer yellow that looked good on me and curious to know if it really was it’s relation to Dusty Soft Spring yellow that we were seeing work.


Another angle of my favorite green. It’s close but the fan sits a bit with the Toned Spring fan, I wonder if the Dusty Soft Spring will match better. I can’t wait to find out!


The palette (Toned Summer) sinks in, so it’s a better match for me then Toned Spring.


Even with that subtle orange sheen that made me think it was originally Toned Spring, the Toned Spring fan here does sit a bit and isn’t fully sinking in…


Again, another better match! Sinking in with Toned Summer fan. So curious as to how Sunlit Soft Summer will look to this favorite pink color of mine and how it will also compare to the Dusty Soft Spring.

These were my favorite draping colors from my most recent experiment. When I receive the new fans I will swatch and share right away.

I am so happy there is a cooler Soft Spring, and that there is a lighter Soft Summer. Those palettes, I am already positive will be superior for me, to these old palettes I’ve been using. I am also very curious on how they will match my personal custom color palettes…

Thanks for reading!


Toned Spring Vs. Toned Summer

Ever since I have studied color I have hoped to crack the color code. Is is naive to believe one system is correct? Yes. But one could be “more’ correct for a particular individual. As well, that I’m not convinced that everything has been accounted for. For example, environmental factors (e.g. lighting, window tints, view on “full spectrum” or “natural” lighting) and within the developed system itself. Some systems only have 12 seasons where some have many many more seasons and more options for softer seasons.


This is the Soft Summer fan in entirety. This fan has a mix of softer and slightly more saturated swatches. Overall the clothes I pick out tend to be too muted. The overall fan seems to buy me these results. Let’s look at another Soft Summer fan in another system called “Color Breeze” by Lora Alexander.


The Color Breeze Toned Summer fan, which is also known for Soft Summer Light. It’s more saturated then the fan posted above. I like this fan a lot more. Also, it does not feel as “chilly” or more cooler toned  colors to my eye and has some warmer options.


My best colors are soft or muted. I am neutral, neither all warm or all cool in coloring. Toned Spring is neutral warm with an “autumn” muted roasting of Light Spring. Toned Summer is the neutral cool lighter side of the Soft Summer palette. These are combination palettes which means they could be used together or may share some similar colors but have distinct differences.


My custom Zyla palette…


If you took and broke down my Zyla palette, you would get a split between Toned Summer and Toned Spring.


Some of these toned spring colors look pretty good with the 12 tone (12 blueprints system) Soft Summer fan. But you can see the Zyla palette is slightly more saturated and if I were to use them to purchase clothing I guarantee they would buy different results in clothing colors and even outfit combinations.

Warm Skin

I see the Toned Spring colors in my skin. 12 blueprints system would say these are “overtones” and incorrect bad color reactions on skin that is cooler then the palette creating “yellowed skin”. Other systems would believe this “IS” the colors of your skin.


My Kathy palette is a system like this, that intact looks at the colors of your skin, eyes, and hair and gives you colors based on what is seen visibly.



Here are my more preferred colors on the Toned Summer fan.


Here is the whole fan. I like the depth, one that Toned Spring seems not to have for me.


I much prefer warmer pinks of Toned Spring to cool mauve of Toned Summer and the warmer grey or browns of Toned Spring to the cooler grays of Toned Summer.


I feel divine in that orange pink that much more Toned Spring then Toned Summer. Bit it is so close on the line between the two seasons. Toned Summer does not go soft orange. I find seashells all the time that have this silvery orange color that is amazing, probably my favorite color since I was a child. Where would that color fall on a season? It’s soft but more neutral.



These two seashells are orange. At the beach recently, I realized that orange I love in seashells are a soft orange. And what palette does that exist in? Not muted enough to be Soft Autumn right? It’s like that Marigold color, clearer then autumn and gentle like Toned Spring.


The one shell on the right has a shine to it, but it’s not too shiny. If it were jewelry it would be the perfect amount of shine I could handle as a Soft Season person.


The shells harmonize very nicely with the Toned Spring fan. Looks clownish on the Toned Summer fan (neutral cool) which does not have orange or milk chocolates.

See how the seashells are too muted for the light spring fan and too bright for the soft autumn? These are 12 tone (12 blueprint system fans) That is why they fall into Toned Spring (Light Spring Soft) which is a different system.


The soft orange sinks into the Toned Spring fan (R.), and sits on the Toned Summer fan (L.)

The other side of the soft orange seashell has orange and a cooler gray. This seashell is a perfect example of the existence of a mix of Toned Spring and Toned Summer. But when harmonized with the whole fan which color palette fits in the best?


My Zyla palette has this mixture of Toned Spring and Toned Summer…If this is a real life example then why does this or can’t this exist in people?


Here is a collage I made comparing myself to the 16 seasons, Toned Spring. My hair is very similar to these people and so is my coloring. I think the main difference is that their eyes are warmer looking as in more visible soft gold/yellow.



My eye is a neutral blue or you could say blue/gray/green coloring with a star pattern and wavy lines that start at the pupil outward.


With refraction my eyes have a warmer look almost seafoam and moss…


The water above and a close up shot of my eyes below.



Toned Summer fan comparison to my eye color. It has the right depth.


Toned Spring eye colors.  It has the right warmth.

Here is the common theme again, Soft Summer or Toned Summer has correct depth but Toned Spring has some colors with correct warmth.


I might have all of these colors in my eyes. Most color systems would say that okay, that’s fine, you can be neutral cool but have warmer eyes or even neutral warm and have cooler eyes or a mix of both. 12 blueprints focuses on the skin. The thing is my skin is much finicky like my eyes where it’s split I believe between palettes. The question is which one is stronger, if you had to pick one? Or why pick one, that’s what the custom palette is for…


So let’s honor 12 Blueprints system and look at skin reaction with drapes. No makeup, just skin reactions to the colored draped clothing.



Toned Spring Vs. Toned Summer Greens. L. Toned Spring and R. Toned Summer. The bottom green is almost split between Toned Spring and Toned Summer, tricky!


It looks like it could fit into either. Your eye tries to automatically make the similar swatches in the fan connect to the clothing articles being examined, so hide them…but it’s still so hard to tell…




Toned Summe dark grey Vs. Toned Spring Chocolate browns. The dark chocolate is an eyebrow color match and both browns a hair color match. The light chocolate is the natural highlight in my hair. So if my hair has these colors, I’d say that those colors should be a part of my palette, why not?

Toned Summer top and Toned Spring bottom.



This was the in-between pink which does posses some orange Toned Spring if you can make it out but also a tad cooler looking purple mauve shimmer that could be why it also seems as if it could be Toned Summer. It’s the color of my lips…That’s why it is so awesome.

Toned Spring colorsIMG_7418


In the side by side, the Toned Summer top and Toned Spring bottom. Is one washing me out a tad because it’s too warm or is one yellowing me a tad because it’s too cool for my skin?

My two favorite colors seem to encompass elements of both Toned Spring and Toned Summer right precisely almost on the boarder or paradox of the season. If we compared 12 blueprint fan then these colors are not Soft Summer because it doesn’t go this saturated but the Pretty Your World 16 season Soft Summer version Toned Summer does go this saturated…

Here the 12 blueprints fan doesn’t go as saturated or as warm as Toned Summer/Toned Spring. Therefore it cannot provide me my best colors.

Here the colors are the right saturation and warmth the yellower in the green shimmer and the orange shimmer in the pink.

Here the colors are the right saturation and just a tad warmer in the green and pink but has shimmers of color that tie it close to this fan such as a cooler green and slight purple mauve shimmer.Fans

80% needs to be in that season and 20% can be its neighbor. So wear 80% Toned Spring with 20% Toned Summer or vise versa 80% Toned Summer with 20% Toned Spring.


L. picture majority Toned Spring w/ T. Summer charcoal, R. picture majority Toned Summer with T. Spring chocolate.


Majority Toned Spring with T. Summer green.

Left picture animal print (Toned Spring), Middle Picture Toned Spring scarf, Right picture Toned Summer scarf.

Thanks for reading!







Essence is the color that best lights up your skin. It can be lighter or darker in value.

It’s the color you can use for foundation. Showing foundation match to Kathy Palette strips.


It’s also a good under eye coverage color.


See how the foundation color on the face blends seamlessly with the neckline?


Lighter essence color in dress.

Darker Essence color on a-line part of the dress in left picture and shirt in the right picture.


Darker essence color in lipstick.


lightest essence in a blazer.



Darker Essence shirt. It should pull all the color together in your skin tone and make it even.



Toned Spring fan, color swatches are Wheat (neutral) and Warm Taupe (neutral to warm). This is the most perfect match I have found to my skin in the toned spring fan (Light Spring Soft). See how seamless it is? Two different shots on different days and lighting.


Here is Zyla essence.


Kathy Palette (Coral Gables) essence color.


Light Spring essence


Soft Summer essence


Soft Autumn essence



Lighter pastel essence dress.


Darker essence purse.




Look how different these two pictures are. One if a soft summer essence scarf with cooler lipstick/blush and the right is Toned Spring with warmer lipstick and shirt. In my opinion, the Soft summer looks candy, more obvious makeup look where the Toned Spring is much more natural looking. The Soft Summer look however has a “more present” clarity to it. IS that clarity just right or a little ‘frozen looking’? This is the difference between a look that is neutral cool muted and neutral warm muted. However the Toned Spring is slightly more saturated with Spring influence.

Here is also a very good representative change in the my natural hair color, see how the roots are more ash in the left picture from the winter time and more warm in the late spring time picture on the right? My skin also takes on a soft peachy glow that makes me lean towards colors that are peachy instead of the dusty pinks I’d choose with lack of sunlight.

I find this interesting since our color season is not supposed to change. Can it though or is one just clearly wrong? I have my preference. I find it hard we all perfectly fit in a color box, which was the mantra of my last blog.

My essence? It’s the one that is most authentically me. What is yours?

Soft: Playing with Warm and Cool


Soft: Warm and Cool plus Textures!

This is one of my favorite looks from my 12 blueprints draping. Warm and Cool. Soft Seasons, being a neutral season, have both warm and cool in their coloring. It looks amazing when gold and silver is mixed or a silvered gold is found in jewelry. Gorgeous how the pinky-reds and silvery-blues look together in clothing and accesories.


Here is some warm/cool inspiration from my favorite painter, Leonid Afremov…


Warm and Cool in Nature…


A sunset reflecting off of a silvery building making blue and pink pearly colors…

Patone’s Colors of the year:


Warm and Cool this year for Pantone….

Warm and Cool


Bracelet with silver and gold, both soft and gold florentine, looks less yellow in real life.

This pearly pink doesn’t capture the greatest on camera, but is is like that warm pink drape almost peach but not peach, on the darker shade.

This dusty pink and purple are the most beautiful color combinations I have seen.

Lots of warm in cool accessories! Warm pink and Gray necklace, warm soft red nail polish, and cooler blues and grays in the purse and tops.




Warm and cool pearl earrings strung in blue, green and burgundy-pink.



Warm pink pops in the necklace, blush, and pinky shimmering eye shadow makes my cooler blue eyes pop!

Intricate Textures



















Thank you for Reading!
