Update 2021-Dusty Soft Summer

I wanted to give an update! House of color post was probably about 4 years ago!

I had Heather Noakes make me a custom fan. She also had draped me as soft summer maybe something like 8 years ago? She’s seen my coloring a lot on social media and I trusted she would make me a fan that was spot on.

I also identified myself as cooling down a bit. Whatever warmer colors I could pull off in my 20’s was just not happening any more. I actually think Laura Alexander’s Dusty soft summer is pretty spot on for me. Previously I had thought Sunlit soft summer or some type of darker summer. But I just can’t stand anything too warm. Backtrack 10 years ago I would have told you I couldn’t stand anything too cool!

Look at the difference between the palette I wore in my mid 20’s verse now mid 30’s.

I’m always fighting the warmth in my hair. Cooler is always better on me. I do have some brassy dye in my hair, so the warmth isn’t natural…
And staying away from yellow, which has become harsher and harsher of a hair color the older I get.
The yellow was never good. It’s just that now my skin can’t tolerate it at all, because it’s so aging.
Here my hair is the coolness I like, for my wedding last summer.

here are some color matches to my fan I love!

Here I am without any sun influence.

I really like the cooler softer colors now. I would have never said that 10 years ago. I’ve changed a lot in how I see myself and what I find harmonious. I love the soft summer colors and the cooler browns in the palette. You won’t catch me in orange anytime soon. I adore tropical spring colors but just not on me anymore.

till my next update, thanks for following!