


Essence is the color that best lights up your skin. It can be lighter or darker in value.

It’s the color you can use for foundation. Showing foundation match to Kathy Palette strips.


It’s also a good under eye coverage color.


See how the foundation color on the face blends seamlessly with the neckline?


Lighter essence color in dress.

Darker Essence color on a-line part of the dress in left picture and shirt in the right picture.


Darker essence color in lipstick.


lightest essence in a blazer.



Darker Essence shirt. It should pull all the color together in your skin tone and make it even.



Toned Spring fan, color swatches are Wheat (neutral) and Warm Taupe (neutral to warm). This is the most perfect match I have found to my skin in the toned spring fan (Light Spring Soft). See how seamless it is? Two different shots on different days and lighting.


Here is Zyla essence.


Kathy Palette (Coral Gables) essence color.


Light Spring essence


Soft Summer essence


Soft Autumn essence



Lighter pastel essence dress.


Darker essence purse.




Look how different these two pictures are. One if a soft summer essence scarf with cooler lipstick/blush and the right is Toned Spring with warmer lipstick and shirt. In my opinion, the Soft summer looks candy, more obvious makeup look where the Toned Spring is much more natural looking. The Soft Summer look however has a “more present” clarity to it. IS that clarity just right or a little ‘frozen looking’? This is the difference between a look that is neutral cool muted and neutral warm muted. However the Toned Spring is slightly more saturated with Spring influence.

Here is also a very good representative change in the my natural hair color, see how the roots are more ash in the left picture from the winter time and more warm in the late spring time picture on the right? My skin also takes on a soft peachy glow that makes me lean towards colors that are peachy instead of the dusty pinks I’d choose with lack of sunlight.

I find this interesting since our color season is not supposed to change. Can it though or is one just clearly wrong? I have my preference. I find it hard we all perfectly fit in a color box, which was the mantra of my last blog.

My essence? It’s the one that is most authentically me. What is yours?

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